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Live Mobile Streaming Services

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Mobile video streaming is the practice of providing video to a mobile device through wireless digital signals. This fairly new kind of technology has been applied to mobile phone and cell phone devices, as well as to some other kinds of wireless devices that can receive digital broadband signals through the air. Video streaming media is now quickly becoming part of what customers expect from a mobile device, and electronics companies are racing to deliver a greater variety of traveling devices that will showcase the ability to stream digital video.

The idea of mobile video streaming developed from digital connections to wired devices fairly quickly, as the Internet and other connective technologies emerged in the 1990s. Providers of digital video began to offer them through broadband connections. Wider broadband services helped to provide a better standard for video streaming. Eventually, the improvement of digital video transfer meant it could be applied to less stable systems like wireless networks, which were also conveniently becoming more stable through more finely tuned information delivery processes.

  Mobile Streaming  

Open up your mobile device and go to the web browser. Enter in the URL, keep in mind that you may need to delete the HTTP:// and enter in RTSP://, this is a very common mistake.

This takes a few seconds and comes back with a “Buffering” message, be patient. Once the video loads it will stream for 15 seconds or so. You can then log back into the configuration screen of the camera and bump up the framerate, video quality and stream quality to improve your video image.

Still having issues? Try going to RTSP:// in your browser on your Cell or Mobile Device? This is YouTube’s RTSP server and if it works here then you have an issue or misconfiguration on your network or camera, Check your settings and try again.